As early as in the 15th Century, during the reign of King Sejong, Korea began Customs administration by opening three of her ports to foreign vessels. This tradition was carried on and led to the establishment of the first Customs at Dumojin, Busan at an early stage of the nation's modernization in 1878.
However, the development of Customs administration in the nation was impaired by the military and political intervention of foreign powers between 1910 and 1948. With the launch of the independent government of the Republic of Korea on August 15, 1948; the Customs Bureau was created in the Ministry of Finance.
Then in 1970, the Korea Customs Service(KCS) was established as an independent organization to meet an increasing demand for effective Customs administration that could keep us with the growing trade volume and the number of passengers. Still, under the Government Organization Act, Customs and Tariff Bureau of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance(MOSF) provide the KCS with ample support through its three divisions : Customs Policy Division, Industry&Tariff Division, and International Customs Cooperation Division.
mission statement We are the face of the republic of korea and the guardians of our nation's customs borders. By swiftly clearing all goods entering and leaving our nation while strictly enforcing the law, we proetect fiscal revenue and national economy prevent the inflow of goods detrimental to social safety and human life, and promote lawful international trade and travel.
The vision means to realize the world's best customs administration that does its utmost to provide a swift customs service to the consumers of customs administration, the corporations and citizens, to protect our society for safety from the unlawful external trades for the convenience of our citizens