메인으로 이동 Introduction하위메뉴 Training Institution 하위메뉴 Customs Border Control Training Center
Customs Border Control Training


Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 2nd fl., main building/td>
Capacity 1 room of 164 seats
Size 98 pyeong
Use lecture, speech, workshop, cultural event, etc.
Equipment 2 big-size PDP, podium, stage lighting, wired-wireless microphone, VTR, LAN, beam projector, electronic teaching table, simultaneous interpretation equipment
Lecture Room

Lecture Room

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 1st ~ 3rd fl., main building
Capacity 4 rooms of 32 seats(1st fl.)/ 1 room of 64 seats(2nd fl.)
Size 5 rooms of 25 pyeong/1 room of 33pyeong
Use seminar, lecture, speech
Equipment screen, wired·wireless microphone, LAN, beam projector, electronic teaching table
Computer Lab

Computer Lab

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 2nd fl., main building
Capacity 2 rooms of 40 seats
Size 33 pyeong
Use computer-related education
Equipment computer, monitor, screen, beam projector, printer, electronic teaching table, speaker system
Group Discussion Room

Group Discussion Room

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 1st ~ 2nd fl., main building
Capacity 6 rooms of 12 seats (1st fl.)
Size 11 pyeong
Use group discussion
Equipment beam projector, white board, computer
International Conference Room

International Conference Room

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 2nd fl., main building
Capacity 1 room of 52 seats
Size 33 pyeong
Use international conference, workshop, etc.
Equipment interactive screen, wired·wireless microphone, LAN, beam projector, electronic teaching table
Audio Video Room

Audio Video Room

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 1st floor., Customs Field Training Complex
Capacity 50 seats.
Size 97㎡
Use Training using image materials
Equipment Screen and beam projector, cabled and wireless microphones, LAN
Import Clearance Zone

Import Clearance Zone

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 1st floor., Customs Field Training Complex
Capacity -
Size 519㎡
Use Training for express cargo clearance and import inspection
Equipment -
Passenger Clearance Zone

Passenger Clearance Zone

위치, 규모, 면적, 주요용도, 설치장비에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 2nd floor., Customs Field Training Complex
Capacity -
Size 541㎡
Use Training for movement observation, baggage inspection and passenger inspection
Equipment -
e-Clearance Training Zone

e-Clearance Training Zone

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 2nd floor., Customs Field Training Complex
Capacity 2 rooms(48 seats each)
Size 274㎡
Use Training for UNI-PASS, Korea's e-clearance system
Equipment Computers, monitors, screen and beam projector, printers, e-lecture desks, sound equipment
Investigation Training Zone

Investigation Training Zone

Location, Capacity, Size, Use, Equipment에 따른 게시판 리스트를 나타낸 표입니다.
Location 3rd floor., Customs Field Training Complex
Capacity 25 seats
Size 128㎡
Use Training for suspect interrogation and digital forensics technique
Equipment Screen and beam projector, cabled and wireless microphones, LAN